Monday, May 21, 2007

Who the (&)@Q is this guy?

I always hate reading a blog where I have no idea about the person who wrote it. What is their background? Where did they go to school? Did their big brother give them a noogy?

These are important questions, so I will answer them in my first post.

I am a 50-something, white, male. Happily married. One teenage daughter (begging for the sympathy vote here), one dog (there goes the cat people).

I like picnics, long walks on the beach, oops, wrong post.

I grew up in a military family, traveled the world, ended up graduating from Oregon State University. BSCS. 1985. I have mostly worked as a contract technical writer in Oregon for the first 10 years and now in Seattle.

I am the oldest of 5 boys, so I gave the noogies.

I currently work with a wireless startup (who doesn't these days) and write all of their developer docs. Everything from porting C++ to JavaScript. I also write articles for AOL on developing plugins for 6.0.

That's it for today. Now we'll see if I ever add another post, LOL.
